The literature does indicate that passively listening to music can help kids manage anxiety and that actively studying an instrument can have all sorts of far-reaching benefits like improving ...
The Laredo Philharmonic invites the community to a live concert featuring works by Mozart and Vivaldi on Sunday, March 30, at ...
On Thursday, BSO violinists Alexander Velinzon and Lucia Lin dispatched the unforgivingly exposed solo parts with a mix of ...
Damon Albarn, frontman of rock band Blur and virtual band Gorillaz, has exciting news for fans. In an interview with the ...
The New York Times named it one of the top 52 destinations to visit in 2024. Then Austrian Airlines introduced its new ...
This weekend the Charlottesville Opera puts on "Scalia/Ginsburg," and family of both Supreme Court justices will be in attendance.
The Mid-Atlantic Symphony Orchestra will present an all-Mozart program this April, highlighting three of the composer’s ...
Soon, the W.R. Davies Student Center will be transformed from a university building in Wisconsin to an Austrian palace, complete with waltzing and scenes from Mozart’s operas, when UW-Eau Claire hosts ...
Newport String Project, a quartet of professional musicians, is holding open practice sessions every last Wednesday of each ...
Dua Lipa will no longer have to prove that she did not rip off L. Russell Brown and Sandy Linzer’s 1979 disco song “Wiggle and Giggle All Night” when she and others wrote the monster hit “Levitating.” ...
The West Texas A&M University Choirs and Symphony Orchestra will jointly perform under the direction of Dr. Sean Pullen on ...
The Chamber Music Society of Palm Beach will present evenings of music at the Norton Museum of Art in West Palm Beach April 3 and 24.