A block of Navajo sandstone “failed” on a nearly vertical cliff above the roadway. High temperatures and vegetation rooting likely contributed to the rockfall, according to the Park Service.
This breathtaking canyon is a great option to enjoy the exquisite Navajo sandstone formations without huge crowds tagging ...
The park's physical scientist assessed the rockfall site and determined a 20-by-30-foot block of Navajo sandstone located more than 430 feet above the roadway failed and fell down the mountainside.
Park officials said the slide was triggered when a large block of Navajo sandstone on a cliff roughly 150 yards above the roadway failed, showering the area with some large rocks and debris that ...
They velieve this caused a 7-meter by 10-meter block of Navajo Sandstone to "fail," and several pieces of rocks fell from the block, which was about 144 meters above the road on a nearly vertical ...
which is located in northern Arizona on the Navajo Nation. It is so famous that even photos of it sell for millions of dollars. The slot canyon is known for the delicate sandstone curves and ...