People in Virginia Beach still have an opportunity to hear from officials about strategies to manage coastal storm surge in the city. The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and the city will have ...
Site work has begun near Nimmo Parkway and Princess Anne Road on a memorial to remember those killed in the May 31, 2019 mass shooting at the Virginia Beach Municipal Center.
Fearing federal agents asking to search a Chicago elementary school Friday morning were from Immigration and Customs Enforcement, school officials denied them entry. But it turned out they were US ...
Cocoa Beach police have arrested Roosevelt Elementary School principal Elizabeth Hill-Brodigan, 47, and teacher Karly Anderson, 45, on child neglect charges after a recent house party with more than ...
(CNN) — U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement agents attempted entry into a Chicago elementary school Friday morning, but were not allowed inside or permitted to speak to anyone inside ...
Confusion and fear are mounting among Palm Beach County students who are immigrants ... "any student who lives in any state and is of compulsory school age is entitled to equal access to public school ...
PALM BEACH COUNTY, Fla ... care so we may have to institute some before-care programs at our schools, so if you have elementary students that need to be dropped off earlier so parents can ...
VIRGINIA BEACH, Va. — Too many children are dying from drug overdoses and many feel more needs to be done early on. News 3 has continued to follow through on the idea of a recovery high school ...
CHESTERFIELD COUNTY, Va. (WRIC) — Chesterfield County Public Schools (CCPS) is getting a boost in grant money from No Kid Hungry Virginia to help students get “the most important meal of the ...
A slight change to the boundary maps for Palm Beach County's newest elementary school means fewer students will be moving to the new campus in anticipation of rapid growth in the Arden community ...
POLICE are investigating after a blogger gained access to and shared images inside the Essex home of a convicted murderer who killed her parents. Virginia McCullough, 36, was arrested on suspicion of ...