What keeps you from loving others the way you, yourself, crave to be loved? And conversely, what’s lacking in your life (or more accurately, in your heart) that keeps you ...
He is my refuge and my fortress, my God, in whom I trust. Psalm 91:2 ...
Becoming a parent for the first time changed my life Becoming a parent again has deepened it in ways I didn t expect ...
In the Christian life, there are fundamental principles that help us live in harmony with God and our soul. These spiritual ...
I had to guess you’ve been so busy of late that you forgot that God, particularly in the form of Jesus the Christ, the one ...
We can all too flippantly use the term "God willing", while not really appreciating what God's will might be. He has made some of his will plain, but there is much about the future we can not know.
ABOUT 100 people visited St Botolph’s Church in Swyncombe to see a display of snowdrops. The churchyard is filled with flowering bulbs in February and traditionally in the first three weeks of the ...
"Find joy in all circumstances," the late David Bauer said, quoting Apostle Paul in the Bible. He did that even as he fought multiple myeloma for five years.
I am writing this column on Feb. 12, my 87th birthday. When I tell you that I am grateful to have reached this milestone in ...
Brother Elder Amado Jimenez-Diaz enters the front of the room of the church. Blue and white tiles and lavender walls blush ...
our Lord and Master. Hail holy Lady, most noble Queen, Mother of God, and Mary ever Virgin. You were chosen by the heavenly Father, who has been pleased to honor you with the presence of his most ...
This discrepancy between human and angelic perspectives plays a central role in Chazal’s account of the giving of the Torah, ...