ROME (AP) — An introspective Pope Francis has divulged some of the behind-the-scenes dynamics of the secret 2013 conclave ...
Francis spent much of the past decade in relatively good health but has dealt with several painful medical conditions over ...
Pope Francis has met with more than 100 comedians from across the world, including Jimmy Fallon, Chris Rock and Whoopi Goldberg, at the Vatican in Rome. The Pope said comedians have the "power to ...
With his new encyclical, Pope Francis added his voice to this chorus of encouragement inviting people not to lose heart.
Pope Francis didn’t break his arm, but a sling was put on as a precaution, the Vatican spokesman said in a statement.
LONDON -- Pope Francis fell and injured his arm on Thursday in his residence, the Vatican said. "This morning, due to a fall ...
In a new book, Pope Francis said he feels “all right” despite his illnesses. “The reality is, quite simply, that I am old,” ...
In Pope Francis' autobiography Hope he reiterates themes of his papacy like hatred of war and unchecked capitalism, and a ...
While calling himself an "old man" and saying he never expected to be pope this long, Pope Francis said he still has dreams ...
Hope,” the autobiography of Pope Francis, hit the shelves of Italian bookstores Tuesday and will be on sale starting Jan. 16 ...