Of those, 46,463 were for eight deer tags, 38,089 were for eight elk tags, 10,309 were for eight pronghorn tags, 23,489 were for one moose tag and 11,532 entries were for one Super Hunt Combo ...
Through this assemblage of predators scampered a svelte herbivore, reminiscent of a deer but most closely related to the giraffe: the pronghorn. To spot its fearsome enemies on the open plains, ...
And Greater Yellowstone, the 22.6-million-acre region in Wyoming, Montana, and Idaho, contains the longest known pathways for mule deer and pronghorn ever documented: overland routes that rival in ...
Traditionally ungulates were considered even or odd-toed hoofed animals, however, as genetics demonstrated new relationships between species, the number of animals who qualify as ungulates expanded.
It's that time of year again, to hurry up (then) wait. Whether you apply for hunting tags when the draw opens (like me), or in the hours before it closes, it always feels like a dash. But then, ...