Before you take shears to your rose bush and start whacking away, here are a few tips to follow based on the type of roses you have planted: Climbing roses: Prune in late winter or early spring. Cut ...
They are magical trees to have in the garden, growing to a nice, manageable size. The acer can grow quickly from one year to the next, so it will need an annual tidy-up to keep looking neat and ...
The gardening exert urged: “You need to prune them at the right time and in the right way to maximise flowering because if you get it wrong, you can remove flower buds and you will get less flowers.
Many garden plants benefit from pruning, but it's important to prune at the right time of year, in the right way. Winter pruning takes place in winter, when plants are dormant. We list common plants ...
Simple. This detail will come in very handy when deciding whether to prune said hydrangea in spring. And it will also be an indication of how hard we can prune it. In a nutshell, we can prune old wood ...
If you're unsure which plants to prune in February, you've come to the right place. With spring on its way, plenty of trees, woody shrubs, and other perennials can be tidied up this month to prepare ...
Inevitably, many grow bigger than you want and you have to prune. But when is the best time? That depends on the species of camellia. (Camellia japonica) is the most popular. It forms a dense plant 10 ...
The Bebb Herbarium is a member of the Texas-Oklahoma Regional Consortium of Herbaria (TORCH) which has consolidated their plant collections into a online database. Developing a comprehensive resource ...