Patchwork Plus, which is located at 17 Killdeer Lane in Dayton, is open from 10 to 4 p.m. Monday through Saturday. For more ...
The quilting competition, a tradition that has been part of Rodeo Houston for more than 40 years, received 118 entries this ...
Local veteran Rodney Cress added another accommodation to a long list of recognitions on Thursday. It might not have been a ...
A pair of German immigrants founded the company in 1943. It became a publicly traded company in 1969. Then it went private ...
Frank McCarthy, who has given more than 60 years to this country in military and community service, was honored with a ...
“Mathemalchemy” has been described as “a mathematics fever dream turned artistic playground for all math lovers (and haters, too).” ...
The walls of Alice Vines’ living room are a patchwork quilt of pictures and plaques. Relatives and record covers are ...
Free public activities celebrating "Fiber Arts Education Day" will be held this weekend at the North Dakota Heritage Center & ...
Willis Heib received a Quilt of Valor, Vietnam veteran pin and American flag pin in honor of his more than 39 years of service.
Iowa's state and county parks, unique museums, natural attractions, historical sites, and rolling hills along the Mississippi ...
I was surprised, and I was disappointed. I think any time a shop or a business closes in Bismarck, it’s a sad day for us.
The Triumph and Tumult of NPR," stops well short of the Donald Trump Era but offers a character-rich media story.