She never had plans to become an activist. A registered nurse, she led a relatively normal life, raising her two children in ...
Editor, The Recorder, After reading the five-part housing shortage series in the Recorder, I want to provide my detailed comments. It is the BAR attorney profession and the people who use them who ...
In a four-page letter to Chief Justice Patricia Guerrero, deans of the American Bar Association-approved schools also called on the court to grant provisional law licenses to anyone who fails the ...
BRUSSELS: Hungary’s Viktor Orban urged the EU Saturday to open direct talks with Moscow to end the Ukraine war and vowed to oppose a bloc-wide accord on the conflict, according to a letter ...
A love letter to my girlfriend that will make her cry is an emotionally charged, deeply sincere message designed to stir up strong feelings of love, appreciation, and connection. In an exclusive ...
“I’m extremely frustrated that eliminating the jury commissioners position isn’t even on the agenda,” said Recorder of Deeds Jon Marietta during the public comment period of Thursday’s ...
We once met at a Pacer game, but I’m certain you won’t recall it at all. After all, you’re an ultra-successful businessman, a legitimate magnate, and I’m just a Jimmy Olsen wannabe and a curmudgeon.
But short of all that, what is seen as a simple demand letter should be carefully considered before you send such a shot across the bow. Sometimes your fire will be returned, and you have to be ...
The recorder splits election administration duties ... "I believe in doing the right things and doing things right," he wrote in his cover letter. "What excites me most about this role is the ...
They might even swoon a little. A home renovation project in Akron, Ohio has unearthed a secret cache of love letters from the early 1930s. Let this be a cautionary tale for young romantics ...
Winona County Recorder Bob Bambenek will be back with his annual update on real estate trends in the Winona area. Inquiring minds want to know, and you are invited. Handouts will be offered and your ...
he rhapsodized. I felt the pang. Not only would there be new messages, but often, in those early days of email, they were actual electronic letters from friends, replete with emotional life ...