The author crossed the pond to stalk the Cotswolds with renowned chef, restaurateur and deer stalker Mike Robinson.
This is the time of year when Jeff Yost didn’t envy the wildlife officers working in the Denver metro area. Yost worked as a ...
For decades, chronic wasting disease has plagued Colorado’s deer, elk and moose herds. While Colorado Parks and Wildlife has ...
The mule deer (Odocoileus hemionus) is a highly recognizable and beloved Western North American icon. Western Great Plains, Rocky Mountains, and Pacific Coast (including Alaskan islands and southern ...
very difficult to hunt and one of the reasons why is you don't hunt them when they're in the rut. Like mule deer. Mule deer are the most clever and the most aware of all deer species because they ...
If you find yourself stuck in a rut, don’t let yourself sink deeper into it. Start by accepting your situation and taking other actions, such as making small and realistic changes, to lift you ...
The reality of habituated mule deer in Anaconda dying from starvation conflicts with the more sentimental view that the town’s doe-eyed deer are cute and even a draw for tourists. Wildlife ...
Here, as winter is on its last legs, some may wonder why forecast next fall’s deer rut so early? But this time of the year, though the snow is flying, is when I have been asked to bracket the ...
The 2025 whitetail rut in the Northeast and Midwest is predicted to peak in early November. This prediction is based on a methodology that considers the influence of moon phases on deer breeding ...
Plus, when older bucks are on the landscape, hunters see better and more intense rutting activity ... annuli costs money but it’s more accurate for deer when they get past three years old.” Mule deer ...
Shed hunting is the pursuit for antlers cast off by members of the deer (cervidae) family, including whitetail and mule deer ... a hard winter or a stressful rut can cause animals to shed their ...