St. Valentine is the patron saint of lovers, people with epilepsy, and beekeepers, among other things, but the real-life history of the man is unknown. There are various legends about a Christian ...
There are at least three different St. Valentines the holiday could be about, according to History. All three were martyred. One is known to have been a priest in Rome. Emperor Claudius ll had ...
On February 14, 1929, seven people were killed in Chicago in one of the most famous gangster battles in history ... by the police uniforms. The St. Valentine’s Day Massacre was believed to ...
History Detectives stares down the barrel of a shotgun for clues that one of Al Capone’s men fired it in a Chicago gang massacre that shocked the nation. The gun came to our contributor’s ...
Valentine’s Day has a history much more complex than many realize ... and finally gave way to the modern celebration of St. Valentine’s Day. The name-sake, Saint Valentine, is a mystery ...
On the day of execution, he sent the jailer's daughter a farewell note: 'From your Valentine'. Later, the church made this festival a Christian celebration and chose to use it to remember St.