In your home, you may have noticed that your cat likes climbing up furniture and bookcases, or gravitates toward sleeping in ...
Can trees from warmer places withstand Western Washington's sogginess? Forestry workers are starting a trial to find out.
The allegations emerged from an FIR filed by the Lilavati Kirtilal Mehta Medical Trust (LKMMT) against 17 people, including seven former trustees, equipment suppliers and vendors for embezzling over ...
silver fir and apple trees. “We must...plant orchards for our sons,” she wrote, so that instead of looking at the earth to see potatoes – “earth apples” – as their only fruit ...
During a Feb. 20 meeting, KDCFS members highlighted the demand for cedar and fir while also noting that several blocks of timber trees that had been burned by past fires have been rendered ...
Sam Cartner Jr. steers his silver 2014 Chevy Suburban slowly in the rutted ... Above: Tracy Taylor shows a single Fraser fir seed pulled from a tree. Right: Taylor inside the Upper Mountain Research ...
Each sector chronology was compared with daily Tmax and total precipitation (PPT) from 1981 to 2015 using the Climate Impact on Tree Growth (CLIMTREG ... Wood anatomical analysis of Douglas-fir ...