Another Ash Wednesday will soon be upon us, marking the beginning of another Lent. The pace and predictability of the liturgical year—like the academic year ...
But Francis was also echoing St. Peter’s own recognition of his sinfulness, as he responded to Jesus when he first called him ...
Or triumphant. The poem’s most poignant feature may be the soldier’s optimism, his faith in what comes after hell. He insists ...
More than 200 people enjoyed a free afternoon recital with stars of the San Diego Opera held recently at the Fellowship Center. Tenor Arnold Geis and soprano Laynee Dell delighted ...
Haley Mlotek’s new book provides neither catharsis nor remedies for heartache, but rather a tender exploration of human ...
Frost’s approachable verse and appealing rural subjects brought him legions of admirers. His personal life was shot through ...
Lamb of God frontman Randy Blythe celebrates the release of his new book Just Beyond the Light by sharing a list of 10 books he thinks everyone should read.
God’s love includes aspects of love, kindness, mercy and faithfulness. We never have to worry that God will run out of love ...
Rabbi Marc Gellman refocuses on the mission of the God Squad column: We know enough about how we are different and not enough yet about how we are the same.
Adam Plunkett’s Love and Need offers something of a recuperation of Robert Frost by reminding us that the poet's fierceness ...
By Griffin Mancuso Photo by Griffin Mancuso | Sarai Bordeaux starts off the People’s Mic Poetry Slam calling for the audience to take care of themselves and let themselves process their emotions.
In a 1930 letter, Robert Frost stated his priorities as memorably — which, for Frost, meant as mischievously — as possible: “Am I any good? That’s what I’d like to know and all I need to know.” The ...