Look. Look for opportunities to sacrifice, to give, to sow compassion or inspire hope. Look around you for those in need: the ...
It's the perfect time to catch up on some of the great reporting and stories the Mercury churned out this week! (PRO TIP: If ...
In these first two weeks of Lent, we've begun a new stage of our Holy Year pilgrimage. We've seen human frailty and the glory ...
For the second Sunday of Lent, the readings remind us that God has renewed the covenant repeatedly throughout history.
How might Herod be an authentically biblical “fox”? If the reference in Nehemiah is anything to go by, he is a lightweight, ...
2 March, Exodus 34.29-end; Psalm 99; 2 Corinthians 3.12-4.2; Luke 9.28-36 (37-43a) THIS Sunday offers a choice: read the whole of Luke 9.28-43a, or only the first part, up to verse 36. This tells of ...
Never forget: Your help is essential and very much appreciated! YOUR SUNDAY READING LIST: City Settles with Attacked Journalists, a Problematic Safety Response Team, and a Reminder to Sell Your ...
After preaching on the Transfiguration of Christ on Mount Tabor in Luke's Gospel, the Rev. Daniel Kingsley shares how ...
The 2 Corinthians reading itself moves from cringey to comforting ... It’d be easy enough to focus on one of the other texts assigned for Transfiguration Sunday. Or to skip to verse 17, where the ...