Spellman High Voltage Electronics Corporation will now offer the DXM in a Sub System package that will combine the power supply, X-ray tube, high voltage cable and cooler in an integrated and tested ...
In addition, the company provides 1600 Plus X-Series, a DR solution with a floor mounted U-arm multi-axis positioning device that includes X-ray tube, collimator, and generator; and veterinary DR ...
THERE have now been described a number of moving-anode X-ray tubes, including the mercury-sealed type developed in this Laboratory 1–4, and their high performance may be regarded as established.
School of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Beer-Sheva 8410501, Israel Department of Chemistry, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Beer-Sheva 8410501, Israel ...
This branch is new LuCI for OpenWrt 21.02.0 and later. it's fork and modify the code from link highly adapted to xray-core.