In the parable of the good Samaritan, a priest and a Levite passed the man in need before the Samaritan arrived. Why did they ...
Luke’s vision of Jesus is deeply attuned to God’s compassion, justice and concern for those most impoverished and ...
Matthew 21:23-27 is an example, when He talked with chief priests and elders, who ended up admitting, “‘We do not know.’” ...
Prepare ye for the timeless tale of friendship and love based on the Gospel according to St. Matthew. Godspell was the first major musical theatre offering from Academy Award winner ...
Kansas City Actors Theater presents an exceptional production of DOUBT, A PARABLE by John Patrick Shanley in the unexpected, ...
Holy Week timeline traces the final days of Jesus on Earth, from Palm Sunday to Easter Sunday. It starts with Jesus entering ...
A most interesting look at the parable of the Sower by our pastor, Jim Burgen. It is a parable that speaks about the Word we hear and how it impacts us according to what we want to hear. Let those ...
While we could spend weeks talking about parables, we'll move next to metaphors, which make a spiritual application. Examples ...
Weekly sermon summaries for local and area churches.
Something happened inside Ciara House that transformed a life. After Ray finished the painting job, he stayed on as a paid ...
Christ Church is the oldest religious congregation in the city, and has seen generations of Maconites worship in its pews. Members of the Christ Church Episcopal choir wait outside before proceeding ...