Australia's federal budget has locked in a decade of deficits, with structural reforms needed to reduce the tax burden on ...
“ For a middle-income earner on around R350,000 per year, the failure to adjust brackets in line with inflation has cost them ...
In its statement of risks in the budget papers, the Treasury did not mince words about the serious fiscal difficulties facing the nation. It listed changes to the outlook for domestic and global ...
Jim Chalmers has doubled down on inflationary spending, with real outlays set to grow by 3 per cent in real terms in 2025-26 – lifting the spending share of GDP to 27 per cent, the highest level since ...
The budget’s centrepiece is a change to the lowest tax rate. But for young people crushed between higher home prices and ...
Treasurer Jim Chalmers warned there would be little, if anything, new in this document given the government had planned to ...
Treasurer Jim Chalmers may have delivered a politically clever budget, but he is amassing more on the national credit card ...
Treasurer Jim Chalmers did manage to pull one very small rabbit out of his hat on budget night. A tax cut for everyone. One ...
Every Australian worker will be getting $268 tax cut as part of Anthony Albanese's bid to win over voters battling the ...
These should in theory significantly shift wages upwards. Yet the economic forecast for the wage price index barely moves – ...
What Exactly Happened with GST?/Other Numbers That Are Up/What Do Councils Actually Do?/All That Tyre Talk/On or In?
Sometimes, if you want to understand a government’s priorities, you have to look at what they choose not to spend money on.