These war movies are a reminder that, while the Oscars sometimes get it wrong, they get it right just as often.
Several films have tackled the topic of Holocaust memory in recent years, including 2025 Oscar nominees The Brutalist and A ...
Blame it also on the ghostly place where we are talking: the house, right next to the original Auschwitz camp, where its commandant, Rudolf Höss, lived with his family from May 1940 through ...
In a tweet that’s been “liked” more than 16,000 times on X, one fan pointed out: “Watching White Lotus and floored myself realizing the goofy manager is the actor that played Rudolf Höss ...
Als Klammer dient die Autobiografie des 1947 hingerichteten Rudolf Höß, der in Kommandant in Auschwitz schonungslos den Massenmord an den Juden beschrieb. Hans Jürgen Höss, der eine »schöne Kindheit« ...
home of the infamous Auschwitz commandant Rudolf Höss and his family, which sits just beyond the walls of the Auschwitz extermination camp in Poland. The number 88 was code for Heil Hitler ...
Mal was ohne Nazis: Der Dresdner Christian Friedel spielt in der US-Serie „The White Lotus“ einen Hoteldirektor. Ein ...
OSWIECIM, Poland (AP) — A U.S.-based organization is transforming the house of Auschwitz commandant Rudolf Höss into a research center devoted to fighting extremism, and is introducing it to ...