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A single centre study with a case-control design. Patients with overt nonobstructive HCM and a causal sarcomere gene variant (n = 44), carriers (n = 51) and age and sex matched (to the carriers) ...
With the continuous advancements in detection methods and the exploration of unknown substances, an increasing number of bioactive compounds are being discovered. Fatty acid esters of hydroxyl fatty ...
The dorsal vagal complex contains three structures: the area postrema, the nucleus tractus solitarii, and the dorsal motor nucleus of the vagus. These structures are tightly linked, both anatomically ...
Numerous studies show that early palliative care improves quality of life and other key outcomes in patients with advanced cancer and their caregivers, although most lack access to this evidence-based ...
Infection causes reduced activity, anorexia, and sleep, which are components of the phylogenetically conserved but poorly understood sickness behavior. We developed a Caenorhabditis elegans model to ...
MicroRNAs are emerging as crucial regulators within the complex, dynamic environment of the synapse, and they offer a promising new avenue for the treatment of neurological disease. These small ...
Serine is critical for supporting cancer metabolism, and depriving malignant cells of this nonessential amino acid exerts antineoplastic effects, in large part, through disrupting metabolic pathways.
Cell-surface proteins are extremely important for many cellular events, such as regulating cell-cell communication and cell-matrix interactions. Aberrant alterations in surface protein expression, ...
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A hallmark of the human species is our adaptability to a wide range of different ecologies and ecosystems, including some of the most extreme settings. Human biologists have long studied how humans ...
This study aimed to evaluate patellar tendon loading profiles (loading index, based on loading peak, loading impulse, and loading rate) of rehabilitation exercises to develop clinical guidelines to ...