If you want to see some of the best singing and incredibly exciting dancing, currently on the London stage, then go west, you won’t be disappointed.
Overall, this is a gritty and compelling story that shines a light on the myriad challenges faced by working class teenage boys today.
One such survivor is Miriam Freedman and As Long As We Are Breathing, a play about her life story is having its world ...
The engaging Claire Louise Amias has taped a rich new vein and makes a convincing case for Edith Nesbit as the female master ...
A thoughtful and witty production that packs more into seventy minutes than some shows do in two and a half hours.
It’s a play that’s undoubtedly left its mark, but does it still stand up and shock fifteen years after its premiere? The ...
There are some deep-seated issues that remain unexplained by the curtain call: why is Colin so reliant on his sister Lisa (a ...
Two wonderful one act plats make for a timely revival of Rattigan’s oeuvre and a much-needed historical appreciation of what ...
Whilst this version of 1984 was fairly short, on the whole it managed to contain all the essential elements of the book.