GridMapper by QRZ Ham Radio
Feb 1, 2025 · Click on the map to select a grid square, or, enter desired location. The station locations depicted on this map are randomized by +- 0.002 degrees latitude and longitude to allow for multiple stations to be depicted when residing at the same address. Red dots indicate stations with a QRZ account, Blue dots indicate un-managed callsigns.
Amateur Radio Ham Radio Maidenhead Grid Square Locator Map …
Amateur Radio Ham Radio Maidenhead Grid Locator in Google Maps Amateur Radio Ham Radio Maidenhead Grid Square Locator Map Enter any address, city & state or zip:
Grid Locator - ARRL
Grid squares are a shorthand means of describing your general location anywhere on the Earth. Although probably the most valuable area on this page is the Web Links section, the article, " Lab Notes -- Where Am I ?", explains how grid squares came to be and how they are determined.
Automatic Grid Square Locator - smithplanet.com
This map uses Geolocation to automatically determine your current location and maidenhead grid square. This map is formatted for mobile devices and will automatically update as you travel, such as when operating as a rover in a ham radio contest.
HOTARC Ham Radio Links
Grid Square Locator Map What's your grid square? Enter your address or call sign to find out. Grounding Your Ham Station (from one who's done it well!) Hey What's That? (See your tower "footprint," see signals range/heading/terrain, and more.) How To (pdf) Packet Radio by TAPR (a library of info about packet!)
Check in to the weekly training nets and ARES activations (e.g., storm spotting or other emergency situation). The central Texas ARES training net currently meets every Monday at 8:00 PM on the HOTARC 145.15 MHz repeater. Upon registering with ARES, a list of local repeaters will be provided to you.
grid.radio - Amateur Radio Locator
Please use the map to select a location or enter a locator value using the edit buttons. An app to determine OS grid references, WAB squares, and Maidenhead locators for amateur radio …
Interactive Maidenhead Grid Square Locator Map - The DXZone
Amateur Radio Ham Radio Maidenhead Grid Square Locator Map online. This map allow just a point and click to determine dynamically the correct six characters locator. Other functions allow to calculate the distances among two given locators, or coordinates.
ICOM Grid Square Tips: 1. Say your grid square location when operating on VHF & UHF bands. 2. Many portable GPS receivers can read out Maidenhead* grid squares automatically. 3. Say your grid square letters phonetically. Example: for grid 13 in region DM say “delta, mike, one, three” on air. 4. Give your general location along with your ...
Interactive Grid Square Map - The DXZone
An online interactive grid square map made with openstreet map. Just point and click and zoom in to determine an accurate grid square locator till 10 digit resolution