Jan 18, 2023 · FactSet features comprehensive data and analytics on global financial and economic markets and companies. Coverage includes: Campus-wide access to FactSet for academic & noncommercial use by students & faculty has been made possible by the Yale School of Management.
FactSet is a research platform that consolidates all the analytics and data professionals need to monitor global markets, public and private companies, and equity and fixed income portfolios in a single, intuitive interface.
describes the data and is a companion to the FactSet DataFeed API manual and the FactSet Snapshot manual, which describe the technology. • Chapter 1 - introduces general concepts and terminology
FactSet allows you to send and receive identifiers from and to multiple components throughout your workspace using Identifier Broadcast and channel options. See Online Assistant page 15855 for more information on Identifier Broadcast options.
Comps – the comps button in FactSet is extremely useful. It will give you the average and median of comparable companies. It also provides the list of comps that were used to arrive at the average and median. Additionally, the ADD COMPS button at …
Nov 7, 2024 · For help getting started with FactSet, new users have many options: 1. If you like to learn by watching videos, then check out the FactSet Learning Portal. If you are using the FactSet Workstation (installed software), type @LRN in the top search bar to access the Learning Portal. 2. Use the Online Assistant for help with a specific question.
Jul 7, 2022 · FactSet is compatible with the most commonly used Windows OS and Office products. See the FactSet Compatibility Table for details of the FactSet software requirements and compatibility.
Combines information from FactSet’s Fundamentals, Estimates, and Prices databases to calculate valuation ratios, per share values, profitability margins, and more on an aggregate level across a broad range of global indices or your own custom composites.
Gain high-level insight into FactSet’s systems, software, network, security, and deployment best practices. Learn how to deliver FactSet’s real-time market data and advanced analytics on any platform simply, quickly, and securely.