Did Sylvester Stallone Say Obama Is a 'Closet Homosexual Living a Lie'?
Claim: Actor Sylvester Stallone said Barack Obama is a \u2018closet homosexual living a lie.'
Fact checked by snopes.comSylvester Stallone: Fake News Buster: Did Sylvester Stallone call Obama ...
Jan 24, 2018 · On 9 January 2018, YourNewsWire published an article reporting that actor Sylvester Stallone had labeled former president Barack Obama a “closet homosexual” who has “lived his whole pathetic life as a lie.” SO, WHAT IS THE TRUTH? This is a fake story. The Rocky star made no such statements.
Quotes: Sylvester Stallone on Barack Obama - TIME.com
Nov 3, 2010 · —Sylvester Stallone, actor, suggesting on Twitter that President Barack Obama has nefarious aims (via The A.V. Club) "I voted, did you? Gotta get the Manchurian Candidate out of the driver's...
Tommy Davidson impersonates Barack Obama, Sylvester Stallone…
Watch the hilarious comedian and actor Tommy Davidson do his impressions of Sylvester Stallone, Sammy Davis Jr., and Barack Obama on Brown and Scoop. ...more. Listen to the entire interview...
Top 30 Hollywood Republican Celebrities: A Newsmax List
Feb 10, 2015 · Sylvester Stallone - "Rambo" and "Rocky" franchise star Sylvester Stallone has long been regarded as a hardcore conservative, announcing his support for McCain in 2008. He's a registered Republican, although his strong advocacy for gun control earned him a place on the NRA's "enemy list."
Snopes.com: Did Sylvester Stallone Say Obama Is a ‘Closet
Read our story: https://www.snopes.com/stallone-obama-living-lie/The 'Rocky' star supposedly decried the former president for having 'lived his whole patheti...
Did Sylvester Stallone Just Tweet That Obama Is a ... - Vulture
Nov 2, 2010 · Did Sylvester Stallone Just Tweet That Obama Is a ‘Manchurian Candidate’? Kind of? It’s hard to say, though Stallone’s sure upset about something, according to his Twitter: “I voted did you?...
UPDATED: Sylvester Stallone suggests that Obama is a …
Nov 3, 2010 · UPDATE: Asked to clarify his remarks for The Hollywood Reporter, Stallone now insists that despite his (factually iffy) insistence that The Manchurian Candidate was about a "fake president," he...
Stallone denies ripping Obama in Twitter message | Reuters
Nov 2, 2010 · The former recently told Katie Couric that he was "not a fan" of Obama, and the clip went viral on the Internet. The latter cut two online commercials ridiculing Obama and other Democrats.
Stallone denies Obama Twitter tirade | Stuff.co.nz
Nov 3, 2010 · CAUSING A STIR: Actor Sylvester Stallone denies a series of comments on Twitter were aimed at President Barack Obama. Who are celebrities voting for? Many have announced in online videos.