City of Chicago :: Ward Maps
Click on the link below for an individual ward map with points of interest (firehouses, libraries, police stations, schools and post offices); CTA rail lines; parks and cemeteries.
Chicago Ward, Community Area and Neighborhood Maps
An interactive map of all Chicago Wards; A catalog of PDF files for all Chicago Wards; Community Area Maps. Chicago is divided into seventy-seven (77) Community Areas. These boundaries do not change over time (as political boundaries do), so that information about the city can be consistently collected and analyzed over long periods of time.
City of Chicago :: Find Your Ward and Alderman
Information for Chicago Wards and Aldermen. Find a Ward and Alderman by Street Address; A list of all 50 Wards with links to each Ward site; Maps for all 50 Wards (in PDF format) Other useful links: Visit the Board of Elections website for voter and precinct information; Visit the Chicago City Clerk website for Residential Parking Zone information
Boundaries - Wards (2023-) - Map | City of Chicago | Data Portal
Map of the ward boundaries in Chicago from May 2023 onward.
Districts & Maps | Chicago Board of Elections
Find and download Chicago Ward and Precinct Maps, District Precinct Schedules, and Legislative Maps for Congressional, State Senate, State Representative, Cook County Board, Board of …
0.82 1.65 3.3 4.95 6.6 Miles These aldermanic ward maps are current as of the redistricting ordinance adopted by the Chicago City Council on May 19, 2022, and the wards are subject to change and/or possible corrections. Please check periodically for updated maps.
Ward Offices and Boundaries Map | City of Chicago | Data Portal
Aldermanic ward offices overlaid on ward boundaries.
Boundaries - Ward Precincts (2013-2022) - Map | City of ...
Map of Ward Precincts (2013-2022)
- Some results have been removed