European Parliament
What is the European Parliament? The European Parliament is the EU's only directly-elected institution. Its 720 Members are there to represent you.
European Parliament - Wikipedia
The European Parliament (EP) is one of the two legislative bodies of the European Union and one of its seven institutions.Together with the Council of the European Union (known as the …
What is the European Parliament? | News | European Parliament
The European Parliament (EP) is one of the European Union’s seven institutions. It is the EU’s directly elected legislative assembly. EU countries hold elections every five years to elect …
European Parliament – roles and powers | European Union
The European Parliament is the EU’s law-making body that is directly elected by EU voters every 5 years. Find out more about its roles and responsibilities.
Press room | News | European Parliament
Get the latest news, press releases and videos from the European Parliament's press room.
European Parliament | Definition, History, Members, & Facts
Jan 25, 2025 · The European Parliament is the legislative assembly of the European Union. The more than 700 members of the European Parliament (MEPs) are elected by direct universal …
The European Parliament - Sveriges riksdag
The European Parliament is the only EU institution that is directly elected by the people. 21 of the 720 members have been elected in Sweden. The members are known as MEPs (members of …
About Parliament
The Parliament acts as a co-legislator, sharing with the Council the power to adopt and amend legislative proposals and to decide on the EU budget. It also supervises the work of the …
Il-Parlament Ewropew – rwoli u setgħat | L-Unjoni Ewropea
Il-Parlament Ewropew hu l-korp tal-UE fejn jitfasslu l-liġijiet. Hu elett direttament mill-votanti tal-UE kull 5 snin. L-aħħar elezzjonijiet Ewropej saru fis-6-9 ta’ Ġunju, 2024.
List of the names of bodies of the European Union in its official ...
This is a list of the names of the bodies of the European Union in its official languages.