Ruger American Ranch 300 blackout | Page 2 | Ruger Forum
Aug 7, 2013 · I have orginal RAR in 300 blackout. I have done a few simple mods to it. Added a UTG 3x9 30. That thing Rocks!!! I shoot dimes at 250 yards, rarely miss. (Maybe 1 out of 20) A better scope would improve it. But seriously I don't need more then that. If I wanted to shoot a deer, it wouldn't be that long of a shot.
Ruger American Ranch (6968) 300 BLK Review » 300BlkTalk
Dec 27, 2014 · The ammo: I have consistently been impressed with F.O.G. (Finger of God) Firearms 300 BLK ammunition. As it does in my 9 inch AR, their 220 gr. Sierra subsonic shoots quite well in my Ruger---about 0.85 inches at 50 yards for five-shot groups. Keep in mind that I'm running a 4x scope with a reticle designed more for speed than precision.
Functional 300 blackout ammo? - Ruger Forum
Sep 10, 2017 · With hunting season quickly approaching, I'm looking for some help finding ammo that will function 100 percent in my american ranch in 300 blackout. I've sent the gun back to ruger and they gave me a new gun that light strikes the primers on everything I feed it besides the winchester deer season 150 grain. Im looking for 110 grain. Ruger sent ...
Ruger American ranch 300 blackout bolt issues
Aug 17, 2019 · Reloaders will cut certain .223 Remington and 5.56mm NATO brass brands and try to form it into 300 blackout, but find out the brass cases at the neck are too thick inside. This usually causes failure to chamber a round most of the time, however sometimes they will chamber and fire, but are out of spec enough that the case gets stuck in the ...
Ruger American .300blk nightmare - Ruger Forum
Jun 11, 2016 · I've finally decided to post my experience with this rifle here and hopefully soon to the .300 blk out forum. I bought brand new the ruger american in .300 blk. On the first outing the gun FTFire on 8 out of 20-30rounds. Leaving light dimples in the primers. This was with 3 types of ammo and 3 different bullet weights and manufacturers.
Scope for a 300 Blackout - Ruger Forum
Dec 27, 2017 · Because of the effective range of 300 blk, I find the 2-7 to be the best suited to my ranch bolt gun. I prefer my 1.5 to 4.5 for my AR's as for the nikon 300 blk scope it works great for subs but it's not intended for supers. the regular nikon 2-7 is awesome with 100-125 grain supers.
Brand new 300 BLK out problem? - Ruger Forum
May 8, 2016 · So, I too recently purchased the .300 Blackout. Took it to the range last night for it's first "break-in" shooting. Purchased some Green/White Box Remington 120 GRAIN OTFB (Supersonic) as it was easy on the wallet. Out of 20 rounds, I too got the "click" rather than the "bang" on three out of seventeen of the rounds.
Project: Ruger American Ranch in 300 Blackout
Jan 7, 2022 · The rounds would come in at too great an angle to enter the chamber. I was using metal GI type .223 magazines because 300 BLKs are supposed to work in them. Boyds website says that you need 300 BLK specific magazines with their stocks. So I bought a couple of Lancer 10-round 300 BLK magazines and still had feeding issues.
Bore Guide for a Ruger American Gen II in 300 Blackout?
Apr 13, 2024 · A forum community dedicated to Ruger firearm owners and enthusiasts. Come join the discussion about optics, hunting, gunsmithing, styles, reviews, accessories, classifieds, and more! Show Less
American Ranch 300 BO - Bolt Issue - Ruger Forum
Apr 21, 2023 · Just got the Ruger American Ranch in 300 BO. First range trip and having bolt issues. Feeds fine but every other round or so can't pull bolt open. Can raise the bolt handle without issue but bolt won't pull back until I drop the magazine. Once I drop the magazine the bolt opens easily. Tried several different Magpul AR mags and same issue.