Wellesley, MA | Official Website
What are the hours of Town Hall? When is the Recycling & Disposal Facility open? How much does it cost to park in Wellesley? How do I obtain a copy of a birth, death, or marriage certificate?
Town Clerk - Wellesley, MA
The Wellesley Town Clerk serves the residents of Wellesley through its function as official record keeper for Town Meeting and Vital Records and the Administration of Elections and voter related activities. Records found in this office are: Annual Town Reports; Birth Certificates; Death Certificates; Marriage Licenses
Government - Wellesley, MA
What are the hours of Town Hall? When is the Recycling & Disposal Facility open? How much does it cost to park in Wellesley? How do I obtain a copy of a birth, death, or marriage certificate?
Services - Wellesley, MA
What are the hours of Town Hall? When is the Recycling & Disposal Facility open? How much does it cost to park in Wellesley? How do I obtain a copy of a birth, death, or marriage certificate?
Departments - Wellesley, MA
The Wellesley Police Department is primarily responsible for all law enforcement activities within the Town of Wellesley, Massachusetts. Public Works. Recreation. The Recreation Department provides recreational, educational and leisure opportunities for all Wellesley residents, and also manages the beach and swimming facilities at Morses Pond.
Staff Directory • Wellesley, MA • CivicEngage
Wellesley, MA 02482. Phone: 781-431-1019. Mon - Fri: 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. Check individual department pages for their specific hours.
FAQs • What are the hours of Town Hall? - Wellesley, MA
Wellesley Town Hall's regular hours are Monday - Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. During the summer (typically Memorial Day through Labor Day), Town Hall closes at noon on Fridays. Please check each department webpage for individual operating hours.
Getting Around Wellesley and Beyond | Wellesley, MA
What are the hours of Town Hall? When is the Recycling & Disposal Facility open? How much does it cost to park in Wellesley? How do I obtain a copy of a birth, death, or marriage certificate?
Wellesley Town Hall Interior Renovation
Wellesley Town Hall is undergoing a planned 18-month interior renovation that will provide modern, functional space for Town offices while preserving and maintaining the historical and architectural character of this iconic 140-year old landmark.
2025 Boston Marathon - Wellesley Charity Program
Meet Wellesley's 2025 Boston Marathon Team! Bibs were awarded to runners representing the following nonprofit organizations for the 129th Boston Marathon on April 21, 2025.